How often I am finding myself more and more, upon each weekend’s arrival, huffing and puffing and sighing and moaning…at the thought of ending a busy work week, only to rush straight into a weekend that doesn’t lend itself to much downtime. More often than not, our weekends are filling up with parties, get-togethers, visitors and errand-running. With the holiday season fast-approaching, I am fully aware of that life is only preparing for the busyness to intensify, not slow down. And I feel like I am losing a grasp on quality family time.
Because there are moments when I want nothing more to toss a “lazy” day into the schedule. To stay in our pajamas all. day. long. To cuddle on the couch and watch Disney movies. And color pictures of our favorite princesses. Snack away for hours-upon-end. Letting one meal-roll-into-another. To push the housework aside and trap its never-ending, nagging whisper away in a bottle, closing the lid tightly.
But, that’s simply. not. reality.
Reality is…
~6:00 A.M. wake up-calls on your only day to “sleep in”
~an unexpected visitor arriving at your doorstep, immediately following a toddler typhoon
~an early pick-up of a homesick babe from an overnight sleepover
~a last-minute invitation to a gathering during the only time you had set aside to catch up on laundry
Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. The rhythm of rush has officially set in. For many of us, busyness can add an entirely new level of stress into our lives. But it’s also important to remember that being busy actually carries a special type of beauty and blessing within it all.
Being busy means…
~You are surrounded by family and friends who adore and care about you.
~Everyone is healthy enough to be involved in a social calendar.
~Your life is full and abundant.
~Laughter, warmth and tight embraces are always just around the corner.
This isn’t a post that I am just writing as free advice for others. Nope, sweet friends. This is a post I need to reread over and over again myself. As a reminder. That when opportunity with family and friends comes knocking at the door, I should answer it with open arms and warm hospitality. No matter what the house looks like. No matter how much I still have left to do. No matter how tired and frumpy I may feel. Because, as we make room for those precious moments with those we hold most dear, God will not fail us in carving out time later to catch up on dishes…and laundry…and cleaning…and all of the daunting day-to-day tasks.
Opportunity with the ones we love may not always be there to knock on your door.
So when our schedules become jam-packed, overflowing with running from here-to-there and back again…filled with hosting and and decorating…meeting new people and catching up with old friends…
Just keep in mind that behind all of the stress encompassing the busyness that fills our lives is an inherent beauty that heaps our plates with blessings abound.
This post is part of a link-up with ember grey’s Grateful Heart Mondays.