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Writer's pictureeaspenner

Ten Awesome Things

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

Good morning, sweet friends! Today, I am linking up with one of my good blogger friends, Anne, from Love the Here Now, to share some of my most favorite (and awesome) things for the start of the year. Ten, to be exact! I am actually pretty excited about this, because if I am to be c.o.m.p.l.e.t.e.l.y. honest, January is my least favorite month of the year (gasp, all you first-of-the-year babies…you are still some of my very best friends!!). To me, it’s just “blah”. One of the hardest months of teaching. And in between two such-fun holidays, Christmas and Valentine’s Day. So to lay out some of the best things in my life at this moment is a breath of fresh air!

In no particular order, here are January’s “Ten Most Awesome Things”…

1. SNOW!!!! Yes, I am the odd-ball out here in my state. I l.o.v.e. snow. (And it’s happening right now!!) It has such a perfect beauty about it. Covering every tiny blemish made by made, with an absolutely amazing sparkle, created by God Himself. Not to mention, it’s one of the best outdoor activity starting points with three little ones. (Ummmm, minus this highs-in-the-single-digits-weather. You can leave now.) And ummmmm, can you say “Snow Days”?! But, please not on Presidents’ Day. That’s a little-someone-special’s big day.


2. Hot Chocolate/Hot Tea. Enough said. Perfect on these frigid winter days, to warm me up, from the inside-out.

3. Sister bonding. Oh, friends. This is melting my heart. Three little girls, one mission. Puzzles. Dressing dolls. Dance parties in-the-dark. It doesn’t matter. It’s perfect.

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4. Peppermint ice cream. Have I mentioned that yet?! 😉

5. Three-day weekends. Ahhhh-ma-zing. Just enough to refuel. And start back over again. 6. Mail. I l.o.v.e. getting mail. Snail mail. Email. Work mail. Little notes and comments m.a.k.e. my days. My weeks. And paint one big, bright grin across my face.

7. A new haircut. Back-track. A much-needed, overdue, going-to-a-beautiful cause, haircut. I love it. In the back of my mind, I live by one basic rule. The shiny, golden one. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Be kind. Offer your services. Your comfort. Your support. Be there. Do what you can do. If God gave me this thick, long hair that grows as it does, I am happy to do with it what He wants.


8. Backseat conversations. Oh, Miss O. She is definitely my child. A serious look in the mirror. She is so totally and completely bright. Beyond her little five-year-old years. We call her our “Sour Patch Kid”. A perfect blend of sweet-and-sour. And it’s lovely.

9. Morning cuddles with Monkey. This little three-year-old can spoon! She throws that tiny little arm over my side, and hangs on like it’s her (paid) job. And it is my favorite part of waking up on those unrushed mornings.

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(Sparkling white grape juice toast to the New Year with my favorite girls!)

10. My husband. Period. Off-the-charts a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I had a full-day of work yesterday at school, for teacher professional development. Woke up at 5:30. Blasted by air that felt like the door was left open all night, as I walked off the last stair. Thermostat 59-degrees. Outside temperature = single digits. Space-heater on. Towels in front of the doors. Ovens to 400-degrees and open wide. In that bathroom at 6:30 to finish getting ready, only to hear Baby Nugget getting sick. (Sigh.) Ran in to grab her, and then to let him know all about everything. Not one complaint. A few minutes of juggling and phone calls, and he volunteered to stay home, since I missed three days right before break, with concern over my mom. And he had some big stuff to get done today. But, he worked through it all, while being one fantastic Daddy. Love him. To pieces.

What about you? If you have to list the first ten incredible things that come to mind right now, what would they be? I’d love to hear more about them! xoxo

Love the Here and Now
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