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Writer's pictureeaspenner

One Lovely Blog

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

I have said it before, and I will say it again, one of my a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e. favorite things about blogging is building community and making new friends. It’s something incredible. To have a 24-7 support system of other amazing faith-filled women, ready to support, guide and cheer you on, at a moment’s notice. Another thing I love…having my posts, and blog in general, noticed, acknowledged and shared by other bloggers. Such a warm and cozy feeling in my heart.


Recently, I was honored to be nominated by some of my sweetest blogging friends, Melissa from The Rambling Llama, Anne from Love the Here and Now and Jenni from Frankly my Dear to receive the “One Lovely Blog Award”. Thank you!!

The rules of this award are very simple:

~You must display the award logo at the top of your post.

~Thank the person who nominated you, and leave a link to their blog.

~Add this set of rules to this post, so your nominees know what to do.

~Add seven facts about yourself.

~Nominate seven other bloggers, and leave the links to their blogs.

~Follow the person you nominated on Bloglovin’, or another social media outlet.

So, here we go…some facts you may or may not know about me!


1. Some of my very favorite movies, from childhood, until now, include: The Labrinth, The Little Mermaid, The Goonies, The OutsidersPretty Woman, A Christmas Story, Varsity Blues, Goodwill Hunting and Coyote Ugly.

2. I attended a small college. In my class of 315-ish classmates, I graduated in the top ten (yes, nerd-alert; I know…but I would have considered myself a “cool” nerd). I won an award for having the highest cumulative GPA amongst all education majors. I took the monetary part of the award and put it toward the cost of a trip to Europe, to meet my now husband, who was completing a business internship in Turkey. We met in Rome, rode a train to Paris and stayed there through a record-setting heat-wave. Such an experience!

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3. I have a little brother named Jacob. He passed away two weeks before he turned one-year-old. Our oldest daughter’s birthday is the day before his. There is no doubt in my mind that, even though we couldn’t see it/understand it, God had an exact plan for her entrance into our family, being the first baby my mom had held since my brother died.

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4. I have a secret passion for cake-decorating. I would love to start a business some day!

5. We found out I was pregnant with Miss O on Christmas Eve, Monkey on closing day for our current house and Nugget on Father’s Day. Monkey was the only one who I went into labor with on my own, and we were “fashionably” late to Miss O and Nugget’s inductions! All three girls have different-colored eyes: blue, brown, hazel.

6. I have a slight obsession with dark chocolate.

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7. I have a love-hate relationship with Math. I really enjoyed it through early high school. Then, not so much. I dropped Calculus t.h.r.e.e. times in high school and college. I wanted to melt away in my college Calculus class. No joke. Could not get out of there fast enough. My husband, however, on the other hand, is a Math/finance genius!

Now to those amazing bloggers who I would love to nominate:

Erica from Why Let Lead

Chelsea from The Contented Wife

Natalie from A Tiny Traveler

Helen from I Will Bloom

I hope each of you can take the time to let us get to know you a little more!! xo

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