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April Goals

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

Welcome, April! Finally, one of my favorite months of all. Spring. Sunshine. Easter. Gorgeous flowers. Mild weather. You could not have arrived at a better time! And, you know what, sweet friends? Not a day passed by that I did not think about my goals that I had made at the beginning of last month. It was so refreshing to create these personal aspirations and work so hard to attain them.  Holding myself accountable. And as for April? My mind has been in overdrive, planning before the month arrived. Because big changes are headed our way, sweet friend, and my mind cannot seem to sit still.


Before I jump into this month’s goals, I want to review March’s goals… 

1. Read a book; an entire book. Mission accomplished!  Ummmmm, to be honest, I was not sure this was going to happen. But I am so glad it did. Literally, just last night. I finished the wonderful book, Opening the Door to Your God-Sized Dream by Holley Gerth. A forty-day reflective inspirational journey. Perfect for Lent. And it was just that.  

2. Create an intentional and purposeful Lenten goal. Mission accomplished, mostly. This was harder than I thought. I think last year’s Lenten season was such a perfect one for me. So personal, reflective and in-journey with His plan for me; it was hard to even attempt to top it. I think I could have done better. For me, trying to find that quiet, tranquil time each day for reflection is my biggest obstacle. One that I hope to overcome, because I think everyone needs some unwinding. I am excited to begin reading, The Fringe Hours by Jessica Turner, this month! I think her guidance will help tremendously.

3. Reduce the amount of processed food my family consumes. Mission accomplished! Honestly, sweet friends, we eat very healthy overall. We don’t do fast food. We try to keep the amount of candy to a minimum. I have to say, these past 10 days home with my family have really put me to the test, and we are doing well. We have not eliminated everything. I have to be realistic. But starting small, pushing more fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy meats (and beans…yes…Baby Nugget is obsessed!) have really made a difference, especially in their little digestive systems.

4. Write down one happy moment from each day. Mission accomplished!  So excited for my first link-up tomorrow!! I hope you will join me, even with your simply sweet comments!

5. Prepare for my one-year blog anniversary! Mission accomplished, mostly! I think my “anniversary” falls at a tricky time. Spring break. And, we were lucky enough to have my husband home for a few days, as well as some gorgeous weather finally rolling in, so with all that said, I was pulled away from this little nest for just a bit. More than anything, I am excited to celebrate my first link-up tomorrow, “Meaningful Moments”. But, I also have a Google Survey in the works…kind of like a “Simply Complex Mom Tells All”, based on your feedback, and I am working on a giveaway coming soon! THANK YOU, beautiful souls, for your unconditional support over the past year. It has been an amazing journey thus far!


April’s Goals…

1. Read a book; an entire book. I have already started one, at the very beginning of March: She’s Got Issues by Nicole Unice. I totally lost myself one weekend night, and am currently four chapters in, filled with amazement. Highly recommend! Can’t wait to finish! I would also love to make it through The Fringe Hours, by Jessica Turner. But if I can’t, that will just roll into May’s goals!

2. Write down one happy moment from each day and encourage others to do the same and share, through my “Meaningful Moments” link-up. It’s always easier to get on a roll of taking strong note when things aren’t unfolding as planned. Oh, but how much brighter life can be when opening our eyes to the sweet beauty present around us each-and-every day. I know there will be days when completing this seemingly simple task will be harder than others, but it has been offering such a refreshing change in perspective.

3. Begin packing up items that we are not actively using. So, about a month ago, we learned of a large hiccup with our plans. Not of the house or current owners, but something happening nearby. And our hearts were very unsettled. We think things will play out as planned, and our move will still happen, so I have been slowly working on really organizing as I pack to make the big move easier next month. Prayers for the continued unfolding of His plans for us would be more than appreciated, sweet friends.

4.  Walk or run at least 20 active miles this month. I am fairly certain I walk a good three-five miles a day, just in general. However, I want to add on those cardio miles. The “sweaty” kind. I used to run one-to-three miles e.v.e.r.y. single day, until I became pregnant with Miss Observant, and ever since, and it has just been whatever I could do, when I could do it, especially having three little ones in three-and-a-half years. Exercise = a major stress-reliever for me.

5. Be a better wife. I don’t know how many of you feel like this, beautiful souls, but my husband is such an i.n.c.r.e.d.i.b.l.e. provider. And unfortunately, at the end of those long, tiring days, he doesn’t always have the attention from me that he deserves. The full respect. The support in his plans for our family. We are making changes to hopefully better all of that. More often than not, my attention goes elsewhere, or we find ourselves lost in news and mindless television versus conversation together. But, honestly, he is amazing. We are so lucky to have him in our lives. And more often than not, he is put “last” to take care of everyone else. Which, in my mind, is actually such a fault of mine, considering just. how. much. he takes care of us.


So what do you think, sweet friends? Life is busy. As always. We already know that. So, I am hoping, wishing and praying that I can pull these off. What about you? Do you have any goals? Have you thought about setting/creating them? This has been perfect for me. Setting aspirations and working to achieve them. Just perfect. I am excited to see where these lead me this month and can’t wait to share how everything played out at the end of this month!

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